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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 38, Issue 5, pp. 1371-1713

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Chemical Kinetics on Surfaces: A Singular Limit of a Reaction-Diffusion System

G. Fibich, I. Gannot, A. Hammer, and S. Schochet

pp. 1371-1388

Nonuniform Average Sampling and Reconstruction of Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation

Qiyu Sun

pp. 1389-1422

On the Partial Differential Equations of Electrostatic MEMS Devices: Stationary Case

Nassif Ghoussoub and Yujin Guo

pp. 1423-1449

Asymptotics of the Poisson Problem in Domains with Curved Rough Boundaries

Alexandre L. Madureira and Frédéric Valentin

pp. 1450-1473

Optimal Tracing of Viscous Shocks in Solutions of Viscous Conservation Laws

Wen Shen and Mee Rea Park

pp. 1474-1488

Synchronization of a Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion System on a Thin Two-Layer Domain

Tomás Caraballo, Igor D. Chueshov, and Peter E. Kloeden

pp. 1489-1507

Effective Macroscopic Dynamics of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in Perforated Domains

Wei Wang, Daomin Cao, and Jinqiao Duan

pp. 1508-1527

Local Smoothing and Local Solvability for Third Order Dispersive Equations

Herbert Koch and Jean-Claude Saut

pp. 1528-1541

Resonance and Interior Layers in an Inhomogeneous Phase Transition Model

Manuel del Pino, Michal Kowalczyk, and Juncheng Wei

pp. 1542-1564

Exponential Homogenization of Linear Second Order Elliptic PDEs with Periodic Coefficients

Vladimir Kamotski, Karsten Matthies, and Valery P. Smyshlyaev

pp. 1565-1587

Magnetic Field-Induced Instabilities in Liquid Crystals

Fanghua Lin and Xing-Bin Pan

pp. 1588-1612

A Mathematical Analysis of the Optimal Exercise Boundary for American Put Options

Xinfu Chen and John Chadam

pp. 1613-1641

Young Measures and Order-Disorder Transition in Stationary Flow of Liquid Crystals

Maria-Carme Calderer and Alexander Panchenko

pp. 1642-1659

Stability of Compressible Vortex Sheets in Steady Supersonic Euler Flows over Lipschitz Walls

Gui-Qiang Chen, Yongqian Zhang, and Dianwen Zhu

pp. 1660-1693

Global Existence of Classical Solutions for a Haptotaxis Model

Christoph Walker and Glenn F. Webb

pp. 1694-1713